"I like walking in the rains... as no one can see me cry then... -Charlie Chaplin-"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Big Things vs Small Things

This morning, I felt like He has reminded me kindly through His words from Jeremiah 12.

The passage told about how Jeremiah was complaining about his job which God had told him to, one of which is to remind the people of Judea to repent, leave all the gods and goddess they worshipped, because Lord has left them for what they have done. Those acts, worshipping other gods, had made God angry, but yet He still wanted His people to ask for His forgiveness, and yes, He will give it to them. If only they asked.

Back to Jeremiah, he was complaining about how hard the job was, how the people's of Judea didn't listen to him and simply just ignored him. All God wanted was only Jeremiah gave His reminder to those people, that is all, and my good friend, at that old testament time, that was a small thing. Just a simple thing, yet a prophet can feel overwhelmed for the job.

Let see the reality, our life, present times, modern times. Don't you feel sometimes that your job is too easy or boring or just plain flat? or sometimes when you think your job is finished, something came up out of nowhere, and you just feeling give up?

We, humans, allowed to make plans for the future, near future, or even for someone else, but sometimes we forget that before we make plans, we should ask for His guidance first, advices, His interference in our life. Why so? Because though we are allowed to make plans, but His Will will be done, on heaven and here on Earth.

What's the connection between giving up and His Will? MANY!!! When He wants us to do small things and around those small things something came up, some obstacles, troubles that make us want to cry and even screaming, at that time, God is watching us, if we were going to stay at our place or pray to Him, surrender and asked for His help. I, myself, yesterday, did a stupid thing, yes, I just stay at my own place, cry for help, not to God. I forgot that I have Him, the Almighty God who is able to help me at all times! He can make things from impossible to possible! Praise Him! ^_^

Yes, through that passage, I was reminded that I have to remember Him always... It's just a simple thing, remember Him at your bad and good times, as simple as remembering always to bring your bag or mobile phone wherever you go. If those simple things is remembered, then God will see when we are ready to receive His big things, which is going to have bigger obstacles, bigger troubles, bigger enemies, but with Him, small things, big things, everything, can be done, only with Him, through Him....

I confess to God that I'm weak, so God please strengthen my heart, so I can manage all the small things that He entrusted to me.... Have you asked God to strengthen you today? ^_^

Always remember, Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Say it with faith... Faith in Him

Thank You, Lord for your kind reminder...

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