Warner Bros., gokil juga yah mau invest di film ini, tapi two thumbs up untuk film ini. Idenya, jalan ceritanya, effectnya, karakter2nya, aiiihh... ciamik!!
Pengen gw ceritain isinya, tapi haduh, you guys have to watch it by yourself. Memanipulasi pikiran tingkat tinggi! Lebih keren daripada 'The Matrix', ya iyahlah.... ini film seriusnya menyenangkan, dan saya menyukainya amat sangat. Ditonton berulang-ulangpun gw rasa gw gak akan bosan nih. Keq3x...
One of the heist films, which for me was a very good one! Twisting and twisting! :) Not about stealing something but about planting something which is expected to grow as the idea of that human itself. This is a veryyyyyyy twisted movie! When I read the stories of when Nolan tried to make this film, it was actually this film supposedly to tell about stealing dreams, yet eventually turned into a very very absurd movie. The production budget was around USD 160 million! What a number! Turned out, when Nolan has succeeded in Batman, the production budget was saved up to USD 100 million! and yes, Warner Bros., and Legendary Pictures eventually were able to produce it. Yes my friend, I read.... Ha3!! for this movie, I researched! Ha3!!!
Inception.... The idea was actually very simple, to put a very simple idea into someone's head, not like brain wash, but really like put something, like you plant a seed on a ground, and it grows into a beautiful plant, or flower, or whatever it is. Yes, you can assumed it's like that.... And telling about how can 5 minutes in your dream it is actually 1 hour in the real life, so, let's do the math.... 5 minutes in dream world equals 1 hour in the real world, 5 mins: 60 mins, so let say 1: 12, right? So, how about talking our world, like the real real world.... So... if we sleep, let say.. at night, you sleep like 6 hours? Do really feel like your dream was that fast? or yet it feels so long? Ha3!!! Am I crazy or what? Trying to connect the dots between the real life and the movie, or wait... Is it our world is the movie and that is reality? Or???
One of the things that interest me also, I remember in one of the Supernatural Episodes, there is also a story a person that couldn't dream at all, and he has to use some drugs to have dreams. In reality, do you think dream is needed? In the Inception, everything is about dreams and dreams inside dreams, interesting, eh? In the movie itself, it always talks about human's sub conscious, is it really true that dreams are human's sub conscious? Sub conscious is always told as 'something that humans want but couldn't have them'. Uhm.... Interesting....
About the manipulating thingy, brain wash is also one of the ways of manipulating minds, so does hypnotism, hypno something something, but Inception..... If this could be done in real life, how absurd this life could be, the next generation are trained into experts in manipulating, deceiving, yet it's legal.... How sad it is.... Let's hope it's never going to happen... But yeah, I couldn't turn off my imagination of the film's effects...
So many things in that movie interest me a lot, especially the end of the movie... Ambiguity... oh how i hate and love that terms... ha3!!!!
Udah ah, mulai ngaco nih, anyway, secara ini adalah tulisan gw yang diinspirasikan oleh film itu, jadi yah, gak ada spoiler lah yahh.. I'm saved! ha3!!!! Enjoy the movie guys! :)
1 comment:
hidup karena berpikir, mati juga karena berpikir...
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