"I like walking in the rains... as no one can see me cry then... -Charlie Chaplin-"

Friday, December 30, 2011

Funny how love can....

Days has passed.. Tears after tears, over things, her feelings, his thoughts, her worries, his defenses, the mistress.....
Funny how love can make her falls apart... Ironic yet it was a beautiful thing.... Her hopes and dreams were shattered, given away, taken out.... And she was torn into pieces.. He said it was a mistake, he said it was history, he said let's move on..... but the mistress didn't..

Friday, December 16, 2011

Story of a Woman - The heart part

This is the story of a girl.... well, a woman now, a broken-hearted woman who doesn't know what to do anymore and whether she's able to get through everything... One thing that she's learning now that everything is uncertain.. That word, 'uncertain', is like a nightmare for her. She's the kind of woman that needs to plan things, and when it was ruined, she is lost. Don't know what to do or go, don't know whom to talk to and just completely lost in her own nightmares.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Days Photos Challenges

So, i was a bit occupied with this thing that i found on Pinterest. It called 30 days photos challenges. This is not a photo contest, but just for having fun and to see how see you are in capturing moments or your creativity upon the task.It was fun, and i loved it, and i finished it! Yeay!!! So, here goes... :)

Monday, February 28, 2011


Tantangan pada pagi hari ini adalah, bangun pagi di kala hujan yang membuat udaranya seakan-akan membuat bantal guling serta kasur di kost bak tempat tidur di hotel... ha3!!! lebay banget.. Tapi bener khan? Waktu hujan mulai turun dengan hawa udaranya yang enak itu, apalagi pagi-pagi, jadi gak rela untuk beraktifitas, selain malas bergerak karena memang cuacanya enak, juga malas kemana-kemana karena hujannya itu...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Waktu dan Harapan

Sudah bulan february 2011, sebentar lagipun sudah akan memasuki bulan Maret. Sepertinya memang waktu berjalan sangat cepat beberapa tahun ini. Apalagi pada saat gw mulai memasuki dunia kerja. Rasanya 24 jam sehari itu tidak cukup. Lucu yah bagaimana dulu waktu SD kayaknya nunggu 6 tahun untuk lulus tuh lama banget. Pengen buru-buru pake baju putih biru. Pas udah SMP, pengne banget buru-buru pake baju putih abu-abu... Eh pas waktu kuliah koq pengen balik waktu SMA. Ha3!! At that time I realized that life is short..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome 2011

Selamat tahun baru semuanya, semoga di tahun 2011 ini, uhm... apa yah? pokoknya semakin sukses aja kali yah... Keq3x... standart bener ucapannya... Tapi yah bener dong masa di tahun 2011 ini gak mau sukses sih? :) Kalau di tahun 2010 kemarin banyak bersedihnya, baiknya banyak pelajaran yang dipetik agar 2011 tidak lagi melakukan kesalahan yang sama..Benar begitu bukan? :)